
Research Article

Leprosy persistence in the health district of Kenieba despite its elimination as a public health problem at the national level in Mali

Ilo Dicko*, Yaya Ibrahim Coulibaly, Modibo Keita, Housseini Dolo, Modibo Sangaré, Abdoulaye Fomba, Mamoudou Kodio, Nouhou Diarra, Mamadou Sidibé, Oumar Maiga, Moussa Brema Sangaré, Siaka Yamoussa Coulibaly, Michel Emmanuel Coulibaly, Mamadou Dolo, Sory Ibrahima Fomba, Abdallah Amadou Diallo, Floribert Fossuo Thotchum, Ousmane Faye and Samba Ousmane Sow

Published: 21 February, 2020 | Volume 4 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-005

WHO defined leprosy elimination as reaching a prevalence < 1 case of leprosy per 10,000 inhabitants. Mali eliminated the disease since 2001 but in 2011, it recorded 226 new cases. This has a serious involvement in term of disease spreading. Therefore, we undertook a cross sectional study in Kenieba health district, still above the WHO recommended elimination threshold to better understand the disease epidemiology and its associated potential factors. The study took place from October 2013 to September 2014. All consenting villagers, living in one of the selected villages were included and clinically examined for leprosy signs.

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Leprosy; New cases; Active detection; Relative risk; Kenieba; Mali


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